The Enrolment Process
The majority of our enrolment intake takes place in late January after the older children move on to school. We begin taking enrolment applications for those positions on the first Monday in February of the previous year. For example, we began taking enrolment applications for 2026 on 3 February 2025.
Enrolments are allocated on a first-in/first served basis. To maximise your chances of gaining a position, we recommend that you apply on that first day that we begin taking applications ie first Monday in February. Please note that your child needs to have turned three years of age before starting with us.
If you are successful in gaining a position, you will be notified in September with information about the orientation process and how to confirm your offer of enrolment.
We continually receive very positive feedback from parents about our Orientation process and its effectiveness in guiding smooth transitions.
We hold Orientation Mornings on weekends as well as weekdays for children and families where there will have the opportunity to meet the director and their educators as well as familiarise themselves with the Pre School environments and facilities.
Children receive a copy of our ‘My Pre School Handbook’ which contains photos and narratives that parents can read with their children to explain what will happen during the course of a pre school day.
Parents are invited to an Orientation Night where they will meet the educators, become familiar with the Centre’s environment and operational procedures and to learn more about our curriculum and our practices. Families receive a comprehensive Information Booklet about our Centre operations with tips on preparing their child for pre school.