• Carole West

    Director with 48 years experience in the child care industry

  • Cassie Perkovic

    Early Childhood Teacher with 24 years experience in the child care industry

  • Anne Cude

    Certificate III trained educator with 48 years experience in the child care industry.

  • Natalie Musso

    Early Childhood Teacher with 7 years experience in the child care industry.

  • Emeline Tongatua

    Diploma-qualified educator with 7 years experience in the child care industry.

  • Allan West

    Administrator with 24 years experience in the child care industry

  • Nicolina Trimboli

    Certificate III trained educator working towards her Diploma

  • April Weekes

    Trainee Educator

  • Lavina Ellishaa

    Trainee Educator


We are proud of our team of dedicated, enthusiastic experienced educators who deliver high-quality child care. 

Together we work as a vibrant team, dedicated to working with families to provide the highest standard of quality child care.  We see all children as individuals and cater to their unique needs and provide them with the learning opportunities they need to meet their potential.    

Our Centre operates across two rooms - Dolphin Room (3-5 years) and Butterfly Room (4-5 years).  Each room is led by experienced ‘on-the-floor’ educators who facilitate the development and delivery of the daily curriculum and liaise face-to-face with families on a daily basis. 

Staff Qualifications

All educators have a minimum qualification of Certificate III in Children’s Services or are Trainees who are working towards that qualification.  

Our Room Leaders hold a Diploma in Children’s Services or higher and our Educational Leader holds a Bachelor of Teaching (Birth to School Age).  

All educators have a current Working With Children Check and most hold a certificate in First Aid and Asthma & Anaphylaxis.

Child Protection

The Centre is committed to child protection and a child-safe environment.  All staff have had Child Protection training and are aware of their legal responsibilities as ‘Mandatory Reporters’ to report any suspected case of abuse in accordance with the NSW Government reporting procedures.